Sunday, September 27, 2009


Recently, the news on "Malaysian Model Faces Caning For Drinking Beer" became very controversial. A news article adapted from The Times Of India said "Six cane strokes await the waitress who served beer to Malaysian part-time model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarno." The first controversy which this case have sparked was that whether Kartika, a mother of two should be caned in the first place as some people perceived that caning is too harsh a punishment for a case like hers. Secondly, she stirred a controversy by insisting that she be caned in public in the presence of her family members and the media. The case hit international headlines and human rights and women's bodies have appealed for doing away with this mode of punishment to a woman. For some, they perceived caning as too hard a punishment for a woman. Others think that she deserved to be caned as she did not abide to the Syariah Court's Law which states that drinking is forbidden in Islam. Those in favour of caning under Islamic laws, have commended Kartika for her "remorseful attitude" and willingness to accept her punishment. Some people have the perception that physical punishment is more effective in making the perpetrator to be remorseful and learn from their mistakes. Hence, discouraging them from doing the crime again. Others think otherwise. Well for non-Muslims or even some Muslims, they don't see why she has to be punished to such an extent(caning). They view it as a minor issue as to them, drinking is a norm.
The issue on drinking depends on individuals. Different people may have different perception on it. This perception varies due to different cultural/religion background, social networks such as habits of family and friends. If one is brought up in a family who drinks, he or she does not think that it is wrong to drink. However, one thinks otherwise if he is brought up in a pious family or a family who does not think that drinking is right. For example in Islam, drinking is forbidden. Hence, it is considered to be a major issue if a Muslim drinks in Malaysia. Furthermore, Malaysia is an Islamic state and it is considered to be disrespecting the religion if a Muslim drinks.

In my opinion, to cane or not to cane is an issue between one's self and God. I feel that she should be served with kind advice instead of physical punishment. Generally, I think there should be a balance between physical punishment and non-physical punishment such as giving advice and lending a support. Carrying out physical punishment or non-physical punishment alone helps only to a certain extent. Hence, both types of punishment should go hand in hand for the punishment to be effective. However, it depends on the situation as well. So to cane or not to cane?

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